
Friday 6 October 2017

Seafood week starts with #FishyFriday in Newlyn!

High water sees Tom put the Harvest Reaper 'up on the hard'...

a sure sign that work has bugun...

ripping out the fridge in the market...

and building a temporary wall to cut off the far end...

where the grading machine has been relocated...

always a better chance of seeing bass on the market as autumn approaches...

along with a better run of mackerel... 

the one beam trawler that landed filled up with plaice...

while the visiting Scottish prawn trawler looks like to have targeted cuttles this week...

even morkis are fair game these days making good money for bait...

along with a good run of scad, which makes great sashimi - and, as an oily fish,...

why not take up the Seafood Week challenge and eat at least two portions of fish over the next seven days...

the biggest trip for the day came from the netter, Karen of Ladram...

with a good shot of hake...

which kept the buyers bidding high...

not much to show for a 2am start for Barry who shot two nets for not much more than a few boxes of those ever-present dogfish...

Harvest moon hanging over Newlyn and the Vision III...

as the sun begins to spread a little light over the back of the Mount...

the big tide sees all the netting fleet tied up over the next few days until the next neap.