
Tuesday 31 October 2017

Long steam home.

In this video shot shortly after her launch in 2012 the Kristine Vendelbo HM202 heads for home with 210 tons of sprats on board ...

wind forward three years and we find she has just steamed from that same home port of Hanstholm in the far north of Denmark to fish...

right on the 12 mile limit between Land's End and the Scillies - though on the AIS she now shows up as the Irish vessel, Unity

On Friday, the 29th of September 2017, Atlantic Shipping, as brokers, delivered the wet fish trawler M/V “Kirstine Vendelbo" to her new owners. The vessel is 27.50 x 7.70 m and was built in 2012 at Vestværftet, Hvide Sande, Denmark.