
Wednesday 11 October 2017

Captured on canvas, art, Newlyn and fish make a compelling combination.

With the refurbishment well under way, enter ye all who dare, the western end of the market is now in regular use...

with a mid-week market of mixed fish from the punts, inshore and beam trawl boats sure to make good money as gales hit the north western waters of the ~UK over the next 36 hours...

so premium fish like this 8kg turbot will make well over £100...

and bass, which since the MLS (minimum landing size) has been increased they have seen a substantial price hike......

one cod, one ling staying close...

the stacks of grey boxes tell their own story, two trips of plaice from the beam trawlers...

another fish auction image, the paint is still wet on this canvas tough, local artist Henrietta Graham who has a studio behind Trelawney Fish has just completed this fish auction study - her and partner Tim run Cornwall Painting Holidays between them and specialise in portrait and marine painting for beginners to experts...

mean the the buyers are busy taking down prices as they work through the trips...

some of the bigger plaice...

the inshore boats all made the most of the fine start to the week...

including the new kid on the block...

that's whole lot of plaice you got there Don...

these boots were made for working...

some of the handliners touched on a few mackerel...

and bass...

while the two beam trawlers filled their boots again with cuttles...

Tom snuck in the odd monk tail...

Mark always lets the buyers now when his fish were landed...

a mixed bag...

another piece of seabed scrap is brought ashore for recycling...

a workboat with a seriously big working deck...

today is day 6 of Seafood Week and these guys all catch the recommended fish of the day, Cornish Sardines nee pilchards.