
Tuesday 26 September 2017

Live from the EU - Seminar "State of Fish Stocks and the Economics of Fishing Fleets"

The Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission (DG MARE) is organising a Scientific Seminar on the status of European fish stocks, fisheries management systems and the economic performance of the EU fishing fleet.

Presentations will be made by senior experts in fisheries biology from DG MAREICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) and STECF (Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries), among others.

The meeting will be opened by our Director General, Mr Joao Aguiar Machado, and closed by Mr Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The sessions will be chaired by Mrs Hélène Clark, Director for Fisheries Policy Atlantic, North Sea, Baltic and Outermost Regions.

You will also be able to follow the sessions, thanks to the twitter coverage of @EU_MARE and the dedicated hashtag is #EUFishEcon, as well as the access to the live webstreaming on the day of the seminar 



Seminar "State of Fish Stocks and the Economics of Fishing Fleets" 

Van Maerlant Building, rue Van Maerlant, 2-18, (room VML02) 1040 Etterbeek, Brussels, Belgium, 26th September 2017 – 9h15-13h00 

Session moderator: Hélène Clark, European Commission, 
Director, Fisheries Policy Atlantic, North Sea, Baltic and Outermost Regions 

  • Registration and welcome coffee (from 8.30 onwards) 
  • Welcome João Aguiar Machado, DG MARE Director General 9.15-9.30 
  • Comparison of EU and US fisheries management systems Ernesto Penas Lado, DG MARE Principal Adviser 9.30-10.00 
  • Questions and discussion 10.00-10.15 
  • Economic performance of the EU fishing fleet Michael Keatinge, STECF, Chair of the STECF WG on Economics 10.15-10.35 
  • Questions and discussion 10.35-10.45 
  • Coffee break 10.45-11.15 
  • Long-term trends with respect to Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) Ernesto Jardim, JRC , Senior Fisheries Scientist 11.15-11.35 
  • Biological status and developments of the main stocks - Northeast Atlantic Eskild Kirkegaard, ICES Advisory Committee Chair 11.35-11.50 - 
  • Mediterranean Clara Ulrich, STECF Chair 11.50-12.10 
  • Questions and discussion 12.10-12.40 
  • Concluding remarks Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 12.40 Closing 13.0

Throughout the whole event, simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English and Spanish.