
Friday 29 September 2017

Bluefin tuna off Devon and Cornwall

Reports have again been received of bluefin tuna appearing in UK waters. 
bluefin tuna rules UK

The UK has no specific quota to catch bluefin tuna.

Countries which are able to fish for bluefin tuna commercially are listed on the EC websiteIn normal circumstances bluefin tuna is a prohibited species for UK fishing vessels.
Vessels must not target bluefin tuna and if caught accidentally they must be returned to the sea, alive and unharmed to the greatest extent possible.


Sea anglers must not target bluefin tuna, any caught as a by-catch when targeting other species must be released immediately and not landed or brought onto the boat. This applies unless recreational catches are part of an ICCAT tagging projectIf you find a bluefin tuna you should report this to the nearest MMO office. Sightings of shoals of the species at sea can also be reported to the ICCAT.
Further guidance on bluefin tuna regulations applicable to UK vessels can be found on the GOV.UK website.

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