
Friday 4 August 2017

'Tiz a fabulous #FishyFriday morning in Newlyn

Even the unfinished Lidls store basks in the magnificent morning light...

as day breaks in Mounts Bay...

 and the sun floods the prom with a golden glow...

that makes a spectacular backdrop for the fishermen's memorial, Tom...

as he faces out across the bay...

looking towards the South pier lighthouse...

while a couple enjoy a special moment with mugs of tea...

not a ripple in the harbour...

with just the beam trawler Sapphire landing typical beamer fish...

like these monk tails...

and with all the fish in the fridge it appears that there were more buyers than boxes of fish!!!

there was also an invisible netter, Jimbo's Joy of Ladram giving Mousehole fish a good box of hake for the shop...

while Wings of St Mawes went for the handful of mackerel that were up for auction...

the rest of the fish were whisked away quickly as the ambient temperature was properly summery...

there was a specimen whiting on show...

and plenty of hake from the Joy...

classic boats at their best in this light...

passed up by Tom with the Harvest Reaper heading for the gaps...

closely followed by a couple of canoeists off for an hour's mackerel handlining...

as three of the local swan fleet make their way through the gaps and out to sea...

the Isla S, another huge scalloper from the Macduff fleet in for n overnight stay after landing.