
Monday 21 August 2017

Monday morning's market in Newlyn

Just the one beam trawler, WSS and the inshore trawler Shiralee made the landing board this morning, though there were two invisible netters at the far end of the market...

and fosh from helford's new Harmony...

some cracking haddock found its way under the headline of the beam trawl...

alongwith plenty of monk...

and a smattering of JDs...

Dover soles doing diving duck impersonations...

all of these fish, gurnard, ray, conger, ling, brill, turbout, and squid are sorted by hand and not by using the grading machine...

conger full of 'chittlins'...

at last, some mackerel have appeared on the scene...

some 7+ kilo hake form invisible netter, Karen of Ladram...

along with some blindingly good blackjacks...


and even bigger hake form Jimbo on the Joy of Ladram...

a handful of big Dory...

and a smiling beast from Sid on the Karen...

landing crab from Tegen Mor II...

sorting and weighing on the quay...

fish, the stuff dreams are made of...

the biggest trawler in the south west, Crystal Sea heads out to the gaps...

followed by the Dream Catcher.