
Monday 3 July 2017

Misty, muggy Monday morning.

Just the one sea gull on watch at Wherry Town this misty Monday morning...

with a visiting yacht anchored in deeper water off the reef...

the Newlyn cygnus fleet is out searching for a feed of weed...

just the three beam trawler trips and an inshore trawlers fish on the market this morning...

just enough to keep the buyers busy...

with plenty of Newlyn monk fish - perfect for those BBQs especially in a tandoori marinade...

or some chunky ray wings...

one-fish-per-person Dover soles...

and more of those tangerine plaice...

more monkey tails from the young Mr Worth on the St Georges...

some fish find it hard to smile...

heads to tail John Dory...

just the one small-eyed ray...

and just the one hake - with more expected once the netters begin to put fish ashore...

a trio of very light coloured Dovers...

and a good selection of blondes and stars...

are loaded mainly on to pallets for the forklifts to take away...

the eyes have it...

cracking looking red mullet from the big beamer...

steady as she goes...

a fine little turbot would make a good feast for four...

dull, overcast and warm...

and not a ripple in the harbour...

so all the visiting yachts should get away today - under power though as there won't be enough wind to blow them anywhere...

trawls eventually wear out and need replacing...

and this little clean ground net is almost there...

the little tickler chain between the rubber bobbins helps scare flat fish like Dovers, plaice and lemons over the footrope and into the net...

extra-heavy-duty cable ties are commonly used instead of bending on the fishing line with seizing...

a small rubber disc is used between the combination and the fishing line to help prevent chaffing...

Suzie is almost ready for sea...

calm weather causes dozens of gulls to congregate on the handrail around the whaleback of fishing boats while the birds hang around waiting for hauling time they are of course digesting the remains of their last meal with the inevitable consequences - hence the black bags rigged on the beamer the other day...

shes looking good in the morning light...

all set to sail today...

the Trevessa IV looks very spruce after her major refit away in Holland...

after completing sea trials, the latest addition to the Cornish pelagic fleet is all set to chase those shoals of sardines...

at this time of year the local auction houses have some well supported sales of local and national artists ready for the saleroom...

many works reflecting the work and social life of the area......

so it might be worth checking out the next sale at Lane's.