
Wednesday 5 July 2017

Mid-week market sees the first of this tide's fish - just one of 43 species up for auction on Newlyn this morning!

Basking in the sun, probably not how the owners of these two ships waiting for orders see things...

as the last of the day boats begin to leave the port at 6am...

leaving only those who have landed or between trips on this proper summer's morning...

this morning's market courtesy of beam, trawl, line caught and net fish like this brill...

head-to-tail John Dory...

as Ben 'Tolcarne Inn' Tunnicliffe, one of Cornwall's finest fish chefs selects just one out of the 43 species that were landed for auction on the market this morning during a photo shoot with local event photographer, Luke Brown...

orange spotted plaice seem to be very much the norm these last few weeks, normally they are quite red...

haddock, another fish with a 'thumbprint' marking, though in its case not attributed with any religious significance unlike the St Pierre - the French name for John Dory...

these days all but the smallest gurnards are sold for human consumption - not so may years ago all the gurnards caught in Newlyn went for bait for the crabbing fleet - all thanks to the likes of Jamie Oliver and other TV chefs pushing less well known species...

omnipresent cod and still, sadly what most people think of first when they head to the fish and chip shop...

big red tub gurnards justifiably for their flavour fetch a premium price...

back-breaking work...

greater weaver fish with their poisonous dorsal fins removed...

behind the lens, local photog Luke Brown in action...

just the one black bream this morning...

plenty of paws...

a handful of Floyd's 'king of fish' the mighty bass...

chin-up Mr Gurnard...

you would only need one claw for a decent crab sandwich...

the first hake for this tide came form the Ajax this morning...

while one inshore boat landed a cracking shot of handy-sized ray...

you always get the feeling tub gurnards are about to say something!...

while turbot just look fed up with life and never smile...

unlike the ever-cheerful FalfFish buyer...

who's looking for Dory?..

a fine pair of hake...

and one of those big summer cod who always look like they lost something...

fish away!!!

it might look unappetising but you have to try scad at some time - be prepared for a surprise!..

whereas red mullet always look good enough to eat as they are!..

buyers being busy bidding...

as Ben and Luke share a fishy joke...

and get a big grin from a 6+ kilo hake showing off his formidable set of gnashers that makes them such predatory fish......

Belgian flagged Dutch beam trawler Z53 Van Eyck is waiting for the lorry to take his fish...

the season of Cornish sardines is about to start anytime soon so the boats are going through their nets to  make sure all is in order for that crucial first shot...

the Van Eyk uses wing-shaped as opposed to tubular beams...

and a good sign the weather has been fine again - easy to see where the gulls have been resting as the derricks are covered in guano...

inshore scallop dredges.