
Wednesday 26 July 2017

Mid-week market in Newlyn

Just a few more licks of paint...

trés chic...

scallaopers don't come much bigger than the Albion... 

so when it comes to working on the gear everything requires more force and brute strength...

just to change one of the huge handing blocks at the end of the derrick...

Jolly Roger...

outside the gaps, Sennen lifeboat takes in the tow on her yacht rescue...

while a film crew set up the storm machine outside the William Sampson Stevenson...

meanwhile back aboard the big scalloper it's time to turn her round......

classic lines out in the Bay...

Lily Grace, one of the smaller visiting scallopers sorts her gear...

the storm machine used to film heavy weather scenes safely in the harbour - a big fan and a water jet...

the white fleet sail in...

sailing time...

for the boys aboard the Albion...

as she heads out of the gaps...

and away to sea...

a good mix of beam trawl and inshore trawl fish on the market today...

lots of quality mixed fish...

like these red mullet...


cracking gurnards...

a smattering of Dovers...

lemons and squid...

as the day boats move in for ice...

with their fans following!