
Friday 7 July 2017

Fundraising #FishyFriday for the FishMish!

It's a special #FishyFriday today - the chance to support the Fishermen's Mission that does such sterling work when needed - be it personal injury or loss or hardship caused by extended periods of bad weather.

Busy market this morning - and there's even three invisible netters landing up the other end of the market...

plenty of inshore trawl fish from nine boats who all had a good touch of flats and groundfish inlcuing a handful of bit turbot...

plenty of Dovers...

though the boxes of monk were full of melt water - in this weather each box is heavily iced at night once graded and weighed - a practice that will no longer be required once the market building has undergone the 1.3 million pound refit starting September `1st this year...

the only beamer to land was the James RH with a monky, megrim...

and plaice...

while the inshore boats waged Dory wars which this week were one by the visiting Nicola Anne...

over young Mr Curtis...

who also landed three times as many megrims as the Elisabeth Veronique managed...

even at 5am the sun streams in at this time of year...

cuttle landings are down to a trickle - great on the BBQ though - matches squid for flavour anyday...

looks like the lobster is ready for the beach - shellfish can be kept alive for hours if cool and covered with a damp cloth - putting them in still, un-aerated water just drowns them...

it is just possible that the new fish market might herald in a digital auction to replace the current digit-al one...

turbot heads 'n tails...

a good shot of the not-so-common sand sole...

a perfect pair of black bream...

a prehistoric looking thornback ray...

the best pollack in the west from @DrecklyFish's  @Cornsih_Lobster, line caught and sporting the RFS badge - fish don't come much better than this...

big John Dory, fish for a feast...

just one of Ajax's  big hake...

the very reddest of big tub gurnards...

someone has cold hands...

sun's up and what a stunning morning...

they sailed at 4am yesterday morning worked right through the day and nigh and have just returned with a good shot of fish and shellfish - not that relief skipper Pete, who would normally be found sitting in comfort aboard his ring netter catching sardines though much of the trip - an aching back for a bonus!

but then when you are steaming back...

 to Newlyn...

 from west of Lands End...

 looking eastwards...

 and are greeted by this sunrise how could you possibly complain?!

The photos, in sequence, as shot by Edwin Hosking, FalFish's head buyer.