
Friday 5 May 2017

May the fifth first #FishyFriday be with you.

The North quay, now devoid of the presence of the two classic wooden trawlers looks somewhat bare this morning...

as only a handful of boats put fish ashore for this morning's market...

with just the one big landing of trawl fish from the beam trawler, St Georges...

with plenty of monk and megrim soles...

the visiting inshore trawler, Nicola Anne looks to have purloined a few of Mr Nowell's JDs...

and the Ajax banged a few boxes of excellent haddock ashore...

1+1 = 2 +4s...

pristine line-caught pollack...

and a sure sign there's fish from a Scottish boat, in this case the prawn trawler, Orion BF432 built in 2008...

what Newlyn fishworkers pull with...

all hail the hake, latest landing form the Ajax - the subject of a major article in this week's Fishing News covering the impact that MSC Certification has had on the twelve Westcountry netters that are a part of the scheme...

'tis a tad breezy with a fresh easterly breeze blowing through the harbour this morning...

two bream or not two bream...

at £5 a kilo on the market yesterday, some hardy handline boys will be braving the choppy waters of Mount's Bay hunting for more today - working in an easterly breeze is always uncomfortable, short, sharp, steep seas make boats roll much more than big, heavy Atlantic swells that normally fetch up on Cornish coasts...

> 6 kilo, the biggest of the Ajax's hake...

an overnight pit stop for another windfarm support cat...

the resplendent prawn trawler Orion...

the Fishermen's Mission flag flies stiffly in the breeze...

just in case you hadn't spotted the deck was missing...

daughter and mother together at last...

the business end of the Orion...

and some of her navigation lights - green over white, trawling at night, red over white, fishing at night (by any method other than trawling), red over red is not under command which does not mean the skipper is tired and has turned in as the boy aboard the boat once said but that the vessel is temporarily unable to navigate or comply with the collision regulations for fishing vessels through some kind of impediment - most especially used by a trawler when the trawl has come fast (caught) on a wreck or some kind of underwater obstruction and the vessel is therefore unable to move...

daybreak and probably the only sunshine of the day...

the Trinity House flagship, Galatea looks as though as she has decided to take shelter off Newlyn ...

AIS track courtesy of VesselTracker's new Cockpit Live view which provides a line chart of a vessel's speed over the ground.

after a long steam out of the channel from Ilfracombe