
Monday 1 May 2017

Busy weekend in Newlyn.

Yet another Devonian visitor, this time Dan has brought in the Olivia Belle from Bideford...

and the huge Scottish prawner, Achieve joins the fleet over the weekend...

Brackan from the Spirited Lady III catches up on the gossip with fellow skipper Dan aboard the Our Olivia...

a set of Baboushka-like inshore trawlers...

the trawl deck...

business end of the Apollo...

looking aft over the trawl deck of the Achieve...

 a clue as to the origins of this boat...

some take 'Fishing for Litter' to extremes...

Phil offers Nigel some advice on how best to knock the pin out of the link...

yet another lengthened prawner...

Newlyn's largest trawler, Crystal Sea is in for the weekend...

side-by-side, two of the most modern trawlers in the south west...

the long arm of the power block enables the fishing line and footrope to be mended in-situ...

towing off bridles to be checked for length....

as Zander brings the Vision III into berth...

for running repairs to her gear and nets...

while retired skipper David Stevens senior acquaints anthropology student Lamorna Ash with the boat...

that she is about to spend 8 days aboard - he, and maybe she, is hoping that the severe easterly gale 8-9s forecast for Friday don't materialise...

more litter coming ashore...

a piece of very old telephone cable trawled up by the Crystal Sea - with eight different component parts - starting from the outside - a heavy coat of pitch then the protective steel wire outer case, oakum, wound cotton tape, wound brass tape, hard rubber sheath over the solid half-inch copper core...

the Excellent is due to be broken up starting tomorrow morning...

as the demolition crew unload their gear...

the local seal enjoys breakfast...

while the crusher that will break up the boat disembarks...

and the tools are put in place...

the scene is set...

as a protective boom is pulled into the harbour to surround the vessel...

 big ships carry big fuel tanks and need big fuel tankers...

the narrow streets of Newlyn stood still for a few minutes while the transport moved out of the quay.