
Saturday 11 March 2017

Do fishermen feel pain?

While the business of catching fish carries on as per usual in Newlyn...

a small group from Cornwall Animal Save using their right to peaceful protest, made their way around the harbour - making it clear their feelings on the rights of animals, including fish, not to be slaughtered for human consumption...

unless, of course, it is to provide leather for your purple Dr Martens...

while some fishermen tolerated this unusual protest in the harbour with a sympathetic, but decidedly un-empathetic smile, others slightly less tolerant of their presence made it clear that they should procreate somewhere else or words to that effect (you might have to ask young Nigel for the exact terminology used)...

meanwhile, the port continued to see the more normal activities associated with the business of catching fish to feed the nation...

 as young mr Puckey in the Aaltje Adriaantje heads for the ice works...

 to take on boxes and ice...

as the Crystal Sea makes her way in to land off the end of the Mary Williams pier...

 our man on the forklift, with the kind of hands that have never pushed a pen around a desk had the final word on the matter, "two sugars Sir"?

So, back in the real world, some people (millions) have no option but to eat meat as crops capable of sustaining them cannot survive extended drought conditions what's the solution?