
Monday 6 March 2017

After the weekend gale, part trips on Monday's market make good money.

Five beam trawlers and a netter on the market this morning - but all with broken trips owing to the weekend's appalling weather...

so it was pretty much a line of boxes per boat...

though the netter, Ajax had a good shot of haddock...

despite the rather unattractive thorny name sometimes these fish dazzle...

plenty of small red mullet around with the boats, signs of a good season later in the year when they move closer inshore...

there were nearly more buyers than boxes this morning so prices were high...

even for fish like these cuttles...

braving the torrential rain, a group of students assemble by the iceworks as they continue their harbour tour...

despite the weather a handful of hardy handline fishermen braved the weather and found somewhere to work in the lee of the shore to pick away on a good run of mackerel...

while the bigger buyers fought over a few dozen boxes of hake...

beam trawl brill...

and two types of gurnard to identify...

by now the rain was lashing it down so the bedraggled students with Lionel leading the way...

headed for the haven of the market - a few years ago they would have enjoyed the hospitality of the Mission of course.