
Wednesday 15 February 2017

UK fishermen may not win 'waters back' after Brexit, EU memo reveals

Document obtained by the Guardian states existing quotas will remain despite promises made by leave campaigners...

It could be, 'Bollocks to the UK'

The hopes of British fishermen that the UK can win its “waters back” post-Brexit are expected to be dashed by the European parliament, despite the campaign promises of Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, a leaked EU document reveals.

MEPs have drafted seven provisions to be included in Britain’s “exit agreement”, including the stipulation that there will be “no increase to the UK’s share of fishing opportunities for jointly fished stocks (maintaining the existing quota distribution in UK and EU waters)”.

The document, obtained by the Guardian, adds that in order for the UK and EU to keep to commitments on sustainable fishing contained within the United Nations stocks agreement. “It is difficult to see any alternative to the continued application of the common fisheries policy,” it says.

Read the full story in the Guardian Online here: