
Tuesday 21 February 2017

Tuesday's market, full of quality fish again.

Although just the two beam trawlers are indicated on the landings board...

the inshore netter, New Harmony landed a good shot of monk...

and bigger netters like the Gary M and Charisma landed bigger shots of large white fish like pollack, haddock...

and whiting...

while the beam trawlers supplied megrim, Dover and lemon soles along with monk...

at this time of year bass head inshore in numbers for their favourite spawning grounds off Plymouth, the Lizard and Land's End...

with a few black bream just tagging along...

a good run of MSC Certified hake filled the western end of the market along with other inshore fish...

outside the market, the Bonnie Grace makes ready to catch a few hours fishing close inshore ahead of the impending gloomy forecast for the rest of the week. - maybe one day someone will do some research on how significant the weather is in the business of fishing for a living