
Friday 3 February 2017

Fiersomely fresh #FishyFriday in Newlyn.

Yesterday morning was much the same as today as Doris part 1 hit the south west...

The fishiest beam trawler in the fleet plus two of the big ones put fish on the market this morning...

plenty of monk tails...

a handful of black bream...

while the toughest of the St Ives handliners braved storm force off-shore winds...

 to keep the nation supplied with mackerel...

the odd bass from the AA...

according to the James RH, maybe the answer is 82 not 42...

ever-popular gurnards all go down in the book as the head buyer goes head-to-head with the head auctioneer...

not a five but a 12 fingered star...

name that fish...

or this...

lemons are good value and mucho tasty at this time of year...

blown in through the market door...

as the day's cuttles wait for transport and their long journey abroad...

still in port sheltering form the weather, the Belgian beam trawler, Francine.