
Wednesday 18 January 2017

Midweek market in Newlyn.

A day's work for the two inshore trawlers and part trips for the two beam trawlers who landed this morning saw strong prices across the board as the south west enjoys some settled weather...

even one big plaice and one big monk tail make big money...

while this conger poses like a serpent on the cross...

local term for a fish, (with an unnecessary apostrophe) but which species?...

buyers busy bidding...

keep auctioneer Ryan on the top of his game...

selling big cod...

and the odd perfect whiting...

as he points out the quality of the fish...

like these haddock from Uncle Tom...

still throwing themselves aboard the punts over in St Ives Bay...

mackerel in these quantities make a welcome boost to the winter earnings of the handline fleet...

almost hidden by heavy clouds, the not-so-full-moon over Newlyn...

barely lights the way for the fuel lorry reversing down the quay...

as James clears down the deck after a night's work in the bay.