
Friday 13 January 2017

#FishyFriday is here!

Four beam trawlers, two netters and a handful of handliners landed this morning following a very harsh 24 hours at sea for those unlucky enough to be out there...

big pollack...

big haddock...

and big monk were the order of the day from the netters...

while the beam trawlers popped a few boxes of Dover sole...

and lemon sole on the market...

keeping the merchant staff busy...

surprisingly, there were landings from some of the St Ives mackerel boys who must have pushed some severe weather in their punts yesterday to put this amount ashore!...

even by Newlyn standards, 24 tubs of cuttles is a lot of sepia...

just the one fish per box when the 'butt' or turbot are this big...

today's MSC Certified hake came courtesy of the Joy of Ladram...

and the Britannia V...

with the weather overnight having deteriorated to gales all but the biggest boats and netters took shelter back in the harbour... 

or landed early so berths were tight forcing the Trevessa V to take advantage of a big sporing tide land at the market...

along with the James RH...

big tide, big moon hanging over the harbour...

nearing the end of the morning's auction...

the last of the beam trawlers sale gets underway...

no fish from the Helford this morning...

signs of a promising day in the Bay...

a sure sign of poor weather when even the South West's biggest trawler spent the night in port...

along with Rowse's biggest crabbers.