
Monday 23 January 2017

0° in Newlyn, not a cloud in the sky.

Tom looks out over a bay devoid of clouds with the sun about to surface...

inside the market, there are plenty of top quality fish from the Aaltje Adriaantje...

like lemons sole...

and a big trip of megrim soles from the Trevessa IV...

though it looks like one of the netters provided breakfast, lunch and dinner for a few seals...

a few blues and paws...

along with good hauls of mackerel from the St Ives handliners...

best reds and brill...

catch the eye of a visiting fish fan...

name that fish...

pristine pollack...

banging tub gurnards - try these whole, a few herbs and shallots in the gut cavity bury in wet sea salt and bake for 40 minutes in a hot oven - impress your friends...

more of those MSC Certified hake...

a pair of black and red bream...

more pollack, just a few of a stunning looking trip from Phil and the boys on the Govenek of Ladram...

mixed fish from boy Roger...

and a few squids of which there seem short supply this year...

fish heading off the market floor...

past some of the visitors...

not one but Three Jays...

under the light of the newish moon.