
Monday 12 December 2016

It maybe a mizzly Monday morning but it's already 12˚ at 6am!

Two boys aboard the Two Jays get a chance to cut up bait, an easier job while in the harbour without the boat rolling all over the place...

pretty much a full house this morning...

with some of the best quality inshore fish up for auction like these monk tails from Helford's netter, New Harmony...

 an unseasonally big trip of megrims from the Resurgam...

along with a good run of plaice...

and a selection...

of rays

to keep up the variety...

even a few boxes of snakes...

along with big trips of white fish form the netters like the Karen of Ladram making her final landing for 2016 as another spring tide approaches...

a few red mullet...

and glistening haddock...

at this time of year the boats generously donate boxes of fish towards the upkeep of the world famous Newlyn Harbour Lights...

money raised from a box of these would light an entire tree for a year!...

three Dover soles taken form three distinct kinds of ground...

looks like another photog is on the scene this morning...

boxes of big hake from the Karen...

and a double dose of white fish roe...

it takes two to tango...

the biggest and best, 6-7+ kilo hake  are a popular Christmas day fish for big Spanish families - they can work out at over £150 a fish!...

no sign of Christmas jumpers just yet, but the hats suggest some festive spirit on the market this morning...

as the buyers bid their way through the Joy of Ladram's  fish...

like these coley...

a reflection of the prices this morning as they get higher and higher...

auctioneer Ian gets the last bid down in the book...

all set for the big switch on this Friday...

another wind farm Seacat on passage...

as the Govenek of Ladram is made fast to the quay for the last time this year.