
Wednesday 30 November 2016

Not a cloud in the sky for Wednesday's fish auction at Newlyn.

Cloudless skies with a little nip in the air for Wednesday morning's market in Newlyn...


enough of a chill on the normally cozy market floor to keep the buyers busy...

bidding on a mix of beam trawl, inshore, line caught and net fish...

spot the deliberate mistake, spots being the key word here...

What Nancy Sinatra said were for walking...

plenty of big white fish with the netters like these coley...

a brace of monk tails form the beamer...

more than 50 shades of grey gurnard, which according to many crab fishermen don't fish half as well as their red cousins...

cuttles are black...

a couple of cracking ray...

and a box of delightful Dory...

these two tub gurnards will no doubt be the centrepiece of some fine dining establishment within the next 24 hours, if you're passing by @RexGoldmsith in his mighty fish emporium,the Chelsea Fishmonger tomorrow you might just spot them amongst the rest of his fine fish display...

and there is more than a good chance that some of the Ajax's MSC Certified hake will be bedded down in some ice nearby...

supercharged, top tail from which fish?...

making a late landing for tomorrow's market...

the Govenek of Ladram...

always good to see the Ivan Ellen tucked up in her berth, long may she stay there...

looks like a spot of concreting for the harbour staff today...

fresh fish to go.