
Monday 14 November 2016

Monday morning's market.

Three beam trawlers, one inshore trawler, a handful of inshore netters and line boats and net fish from the Govenek of Ladram make up this morning's Monday market...

along with some fish from the Helford boat, New Harmony...

there were plenty of flats including lemons...

and this pair of kissing plaice...

and dozens of their friends...

someone took the trouble to keep the livers form the monk, they make excellent fishy frois gras...

the cod has a huge mouth to match its voracious appetite...

the omnipresent haddock booked down to the inshore trawler, Shiralee....

the were plenty of bass...

amongst the boxes of superfresh line caught fish...

like these pristine squid...

to complement the other eight-leggers...

from the net trip there were plenty of hake...


also with big mouths...

the light was very different this morning with the sun kept behind the heavy cloud...

at least until it broke through...

the first of the village shops gets with the Christmas spirit...

about to leave the port after a weekend stopover...

and the inshore lifeboat heads out of the gaps...

followed by a Southampton cat ferry...

the tug, MTS Valour makes for the new quay...

with a big tide, heralded by tonight's supermoon, all the big net boats are in port...

Newlyn's memorial to the fallen.