
Friday 25 November 2016

Black #FishyFriday

Beam trawl, inshore trawl, handline and net fish were all on the market this morning...

keeping auctioneer Ian very busy fending off competing bids from an enthusiastic set of buyers...

all looking for the best price on fish like these big tub gurnards...

could be a good read...

this time of year you are an unlucky John Dory if you get caught...

top quality collection of prime fish for the Mousehole Fish shop...

at around £150 for a single fish you wouldn't want your trainee chef to be filleting this beauty for the diners in your 2 Michelin Star restaurant...

a favourite recipe for ray wings - ray and black butter...

scallops always make for a great starter - remember to cook them for seconds rather than minutes - they can be eaten raw straight our of the sea...

there are still a few boats managing to pick up good hauls of mackerel with their handlines...

fitting enough for Black Friday, 18 by 400kg of black gold, Brixham squid or cuttlefish - whatever you call them, they are tasty enough - especially if the ink is used to flavour the dish...

from the net boats there have been substantial landings of big whitefish this week...

along with the mainstay of their trips like these hake...

some fish have bigger than average eyes it seems...

maybe one of Santa's helpers in festive gear already...

one of the two new cranes that have just been commissioned - these will be much appreciated by the handliners in particular 

as well as the sardine boats who use the cranes to brail fish ashore...

with tons of cuttlefish being landed even the quayside gets that sepia look...

its fueling up time for the beam trawlers who have just landed...

while the netter, Govenek of Ladram waits to sail again...

the new Rowse crabber wheelhouse will afford the skipper an excellent view of the seas around him...

much reduced oil prices over the last couple of years have meant the beam trawler fleet can operate much more profitably...

two of the ports new builds are both being fitted out in the harbour...

while a third new boat, the Galilee is a major rebuild of an ex-prawn trawler form Scotland...

over in Penzance Harbour the Co-op are putting supplies aboard the Scilly supply boat Gry Maritha...

while her replacement.