
Wednesday 16 November 2016

All quiet of the fishy front.

All done and dusted, just a handful of boxes were on the market this morning...

as Lionel gets on down to some dirty-dancing with his pressure washer...

high water on one of the bigger tides of the year sees the netting fleet all tied up...

and for the first time in days, what's left of the supermoon puts in an appearance...

as work on the handrail of the port's newest crabber nears completion...

as guests of @HeatherKoldewey at the Zoological Society of London from Mozambique, the Philippines and Senegal get a dawning tour of the harbour...

from local fishy people, Andy Wheeler and Clare Leverton...

talking about small-scale fishing from the port...

especially handlining and sustainable methods...

and recycling old nets to create income, as pioneered by @Farinozd...

who helped set up Net-Works...

on the kind of morning...

that makes you...

realise just how lucky you are to live and work in such an amazing place...

as the last supermoon for 60 years fades over the top of the harbour...

as the sun begins to break cover from the horizon...

and flood the harbour with light.