
Monday 10 October 2016

Magical Monday morning light.

All set for a magical start to the day in Mount's Bay...

with a selection of beam trawl, inshore trawl, handline and net boats landing to the market this morning...

including the Helford based netter, New Harmony...

the William Samson Stevenson put a huge trip of plaice ashore...

which should keep Gary busy for an hour or to...

while the Twilight went to the deeper water and picked up a solid trip of megs...

with only a handful of boxes of plaice - highliting the difference in fishing grounds for different species...

both boats landing a few lemons...

while the Shiralee had a good weekend on the Dorys...

others hit the shiny silver types like bass...

and black bream...

or even a few red mullet...

or ever-present red gurnard...

a handful of cuttles gave themselves up for the Shiralee while...

the bigger beam trawler took a bigger hit on different grounds indicating that the cuttle season is now started...

with the tides more favourable the netters, like the Britannia V have been in action well west of the Scillys...

along with the Ajax...

maybe a sign of squid moving in on the shore from the punts...

as ever, there's hake keeping an eye on proceedings...

while out in the harbour first light falls on what little of the fleet is in...

as just enough light falls on the still waters of the bay...

as the first of the punts make their way...

out through the gaps...

to start their day's work...

on an almost flat calm morning...

where even the swan family get in on the act...

at the start of what promises to be a cracking day...

for the far south west...

a reminder of who built what and when on the promenade facia.