
Friday 14 October 2016

Final #FishyFriday of #SeaFoodWeek!

Big trips from big boats...

more than enough to keep the buyers bust this morning...

with a good run of large lemons...

John Dory...

megrim sole...

Dover sole...

sometime stacked three boxes high...

and the odd cuttle...

name this finest of #FishyFriday fish...

just checking...

at the other end of the market the netter Charisma landed a good shot of hake...

showing off their fine set of teeth...

and the boat caught a handful of the very rare Australian cousin to the indigenous Cornish sardine...

is for Fish...

always look on the white side of life...

or turbot in this case, perfect size for a fine-dining dinner plate...

not a scale missing on the ruby-red mullet...

its a kind of beardy thing going on with the ling...

most of the netter fleet are either back in port or heading for home at the end of the neap tide...

looks like a few hours work for sardine man Dan and the boys today...

big beamers between trips...

there's a;ways jobs to be done on the netters...

skipper Tristan aboard the Silver Dawn, back from his latest landing in Guilvinec...

queued up waiting for their loads of fish...

according to every fisherman that ever was.