
Sunday 16 October 2016

Ensuring better control of the EU’s external fishing fleet

Need for a public database on the EU's External Fleet Regulation.

Learn more: NGO Factsheet: Need for a public database on the EU's External Fleet Regulation

The legal framework governing the activities of the European external fishing fleet is a crucial part of the fight against IUU fishing and is currently being revised. A robust new external fishing fleet regulation will bring it in line with the CFP and the EU's global policies to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing, representing a major step forward in improving international fisheries governance.

A proposal for a new regulation governing the EU's external fishing fleet was released in December 2015 and is currently being considered by the European Council and Parliament. It will be voted on November 9th in the EU’s PECH Committee. Th revision of the EU's external fishing fleet regulation is a critical opportunity to ensure that all of the EU's vessels, whether operating within or outside EU waters, are subject to common standards and requirements in line with the CFP and the EU's global policies.This will make competition fair and secure more transparent, accountable and sustainable fisheries practice.

The proposal includes the establishment of a register containing information on authorisations for EU fishing activities in non-EU waters. The proposed register would make the following key information available to the public, whilt at the same time ensuring confidentiality of commercial data:

  • the name and flag of the vessel
  • the type of authorisation under which the vessel operates; and
  • the authorised time and zone of fishing activity

The proposed register of external fishing authorisation would represent a major step forward in improving inttrnational fisheries governance. It would also enable the EU to demonstrate a global leadership on transparency and accountability within its fishing sector.