
Wednesday 19 October 2016

Down the quay.

Numberless Gallilee gets her first airing since arriving in Newlyn and undergoing a major refit...

now sporting her heavily rubber-clad derriere...

this pot has been rolling around the seabed for some years, long enough to chafe away much of her netting...

a day off over the big tide for Three Jays, the latest inshore boat to join the Newlyn fleet...

oars at the ready, its practice night for the more mature Pendeen Gig club rowers...

on a flat calm evening...

as they head for the gaps...

the following morning finds the Crystal Sea now off the slip...

while the huge ring net from the Golden Harvest...

looks like it has a few more hours worth of stitching to do for sardine Dan and the boys...

the waning gibbous moon.