
Wednesday 7 September 2016

Neap tides, light landings and most of the fleet at sea.

Just the three inshore trawlers for Wednesday's mid-week market...

which means top quality, day-boat fish like these monk tails...

beautiful blackjacks...

ray wings...

and the odd mackerel or two from the handline boys in the punts...

early birds...

and local fisherman...

head off out into the Bay...

piled high on the Terramare...

coming at the end of this month, the sponsored Fishermen's Mission coastal ramble takes in some the finest scenery of Cornwall's famous coastal path, the longest in the UK...

racking, all set to take the gear...

looks a bit better than th paper bag that was there a few weeks ago...

almost shrouded in mist, the Bay's magical, mystical St Michael's Mount... 

fresh delivery bound for the supply boat, Gry Marithait will all be at the Scilly's Co-op soon...

though it's doubtful there are any kegs of Cornish Mead on board!