
Friday 30 September 2016

#FishyFriday, fine weather, fine fish, not so fine forecast.

Buyers banter on a relatively quiet #FishyFriday...

buying beam trawl plaice...

or a handful of hake...

delicious Dory...

or simply scrumptious sardines...

quickly whisked away from the auction...

while the sardine boat Pride of Cornwall taking heed of a few days poor weather due over the weekend... 

makes her second landing of the night...

turning her attention from Britain's top chefs to some of the country's top skippers, Henrietta Graham (who, together with Tim Hall, runs Cornwall Painting Holidays from their new Newlyn studio)...

gets up close to the action aboard the hake netter, Karen of Ladram...

where another big trip of hake from the Northwest banks is winging its way out of the fishroom...

under the watchful eye of skipper Sid...

on a morning when the harbour is flooded with the kind of light and the sounds of hard labour that drew the attention the painter Stanhope Forbes and his followers that became regarded as the Newlyn School...

these days mobile technology can put people together in a way not dreamt of in Forbes' day...

the boys will be keen to get home after a ten day trip but there are still plenty of jobs to do at the end of the trip like an oil change...

if you want to get ahead, get a hat, if you want to get a hat, get ahead - and a mug...

a boss in the waiting!