
Friday 2 September 2016

First #FishyFriday of September.

Big tides mean there was no fish from the netters this morning...

but plenty from the beamers and inshore boats...

like these haddock...

a brace of monk tails...

and some stunning quality hours old bass form the punt, Cynthia...

and big grey mullet form the victory...

and Nigel managed to steal good few boxes of JDs with the Innisfallen

pristine line caught pollack...

blondes and...


pallets are numbered in case they get lost (playing on an old Spike Milligan joke about why policemen have a number)...

you know it is...

late morning sardine landing over and done with...

tallied up in the buyer's book...

they're still about...

in the form of the classic trading ketch...
