
Sunday 11 September 2016

Away for Brixham's Fishtstock and Swanage Folk Festival.

Brixham hung out the flags and welcomed Through the Gaps...

to the huge marina...

home to hundreds of yachts...

and quirky displays created by the community...

South Devon College are big supporters of the festival with two cooking stages...

others have traveled from much further afield, like Whitcby Fish...

some not so far, as in @Eastcoastavocet meets west and @bazilyo working their socks off an the huge wet fish display...,

not only was the red carpet rolled out in the superb, refrigerated fish market, but purple,  green and orange...

there are still funds needing to be raised for Brixham's very own tribute to fishermen in the form of the planned bronze stature, Man and Boy ...

there was plenty to see and talk about with live pot making...

fish to buy...

crabs to pick...

nets to mend...

and shellfish to see thanks to Devon IFCA...

boats to go aboard...

and a huge range of fish dishes to buy...

not forgetting the music which makes up a good part of the festival until late at night...

all set within the confines of the imposing two-story building that is Torbay Council owned Brixham Fish Market...

home to the biggest earning beam trawler fleet in the country...

and hundreds of yachts...

further up the coast its the turn of Swanage, and it's very own three day Folk Festival where else would you find classic sail boats like Moonfleet...

or Morris dancing in the sea!