
Monday 22 August 2016

Monday Monday

Just the three beam trawlers this morning...

all done and dusted by 7.30am...

plenty of monk tails were up for auction..

with mackerel supplies being plentiful at the moment despite the weather...

one of the boats that landed this morning...

Grayhound, making her way slowly across the Bay to Penzance dock after weighing anchor in Gwavas lake...

as the James RH Stevenson makes her way in with her starboard side gear being lowered...

before she enters the gaps...

followed by one of the fleets smaller boats...

the sea cadets can now get to sea after the stormy weekend...

back in Penzance dock, the truly gorgeous Grayhound...

modelled on a 17th Century Cornish privateer built in 2011...

by Marcus and Freya - here keeping things shipshape and Bristol fashion...

at the sharp end...

she plies her trade in the most environmentally way possible carrying Black Mountain whisky and takes paying passengers on every adventurous trip - see more at Grayhound Lugger Sailing website...

protected by some suitable on-board deterrents!