
Friday 26 August 2016

Couldn't have picked a better #FishyFriday morning to show a portrait artist round the market!

Scallops beware...

late landing for the Cornish sardine boats...

as the first of the mackerel boats heads in...

for #FishyFriday's mega busy market...

which was perfect given that portrait painter, Henrietta Graham, Newlyn's latest artist to take up a studio residence in the harbour had surfaced for 6am to check out the opportunities for suitable subjects...

and promptly met one of Newlyn's living legends, Barry Ede, now known by many more as it was he who is the face of, Salt of the Earth, the book that has raised over £30,000 for the Fishermen's Mission in Cornwall...

also looking good were the fish, like these line caught bass...

eyed up by a resident gull...

there were plenty of sardines being landed in a superbly warm dawn of a morning...

9 kilo hake...

whiter than white whiting...

more than enough to keep the buyers busy...

as the sardines were stacked higher and longer...

looking very dapper this morning was young Roger atop his trusty forklift...

looks like breakfast has just been spotted...

as Barry makes his way back to a berth...

another mackerel boat arrives...

the catch caught on camera for future reference...

name that man...

Barry was back on the market to sort his fish...

an in amongst was this slightly different mackerel?