
Friday 1 July 2016

Quiet market on #FishyFriday at the end of one week post-Brexit.

The market was kept supplied with fish for the weekend when two of the broke short their trips to give the buyers some fish for the weekend...

just as well they did as CNN are in town looking for post-Brexit stories in the region that paradoxically, has received over £1 billion in EU funds yet voted 'Leave'...

in a port where the majority of fish are exported across the channel all eyes will be on how negotiations ensure a fair deal for all concerned - from the boats that catch the fiosh iun terms of where and what they can catch after we 'take back control' to the issue of exporting fish to the EU, our largest consumer by far...

like these lovely lemons - remember to cook these guys on the bone - just get your fishmonger to trim them the fish, not fillet them...

whereas hake, MSC Certified hake of course you can cook whole - roast or poach, fillet or steak - one of the most versatile fish in the sea when it comes to cooking - get your local fish-fryer to try it instead of cod - he won't regret it...

one of the sweetest of fish, the delicious John Dory...

and the one that almost everybody can name, the plaice...

hake from the guv'nor, Govenek of Ladram...

name the fish that has this gill plate...

the humble scad, seldom eaten - but well tasty...

monk, top fish for curry and kebab skewers...

the south west supports the most diverse fleet in the UK, just a few of the bigger examples are in port this morning, a trammel netter, beam trawler, gill netter, prawn trawler and just out of sight, a scalloper - all the port's big crabbers are at sea...

the season has yet to sdtart for the Cornsih sardine fleet so it is time to replace worn sections of net, a painstaking process that can only be done by hand...

most of the net is still aboard the boat...

the working deck of the scalloper Aquarius