
Monday 11 July 2016

Mousehole Sea, Salts & Sail Festival 2016

Click to see a gallery of images from the festival on Sunday.

"I travel all over the world for my photographic work, but there are few experiences that compare to the Sea Salts and Sail festival held every two years in Mousehole. To watch as the harbour slowly fills with wooden boats is almost akin to time travel. It reminds me of the old sepia postcards showing the Mousehole fleet of fishing luggers lying abreast, hauling canvas and pulling on cordage. The sights, sounds, and smells all mingling to evoke a very different and romantic era. It is a photographer’s dream. When the boats leave to race in the Bay, with St Michael’s Mount in the near distance, it sends a shock of excitement through even the most hardened land lubber. This serves to remind me of the rich maritime heritage of the village I now call home" 

Paul Masset, Photographer.