
Monday 18 July 2016

Monday morning's market in Newlyn - it's a blue kind of day.

Big inshore trawler landings and just the one beam trawler landings for this morning...

including these cracking monk tails from New Harmony...

certain to fetch a good price on a slack flats market...

these Dover soles will make good money...

and so will these spotty plaice...

while the handful of John Dory will go for top dollar when in short supply...

one grey, one red...

maybe the landing obligation will see the end of landing monk ails, so here is a box of heads, minus cheeks...

to compliment Jeremy's cracking shot of ray...

while the Millenia happened upon a handful of red mullet...

all round the Bay small boats cheered as mackerel finally decided...

to put in an appearance over the weekend...

with so much mackerel strong arms are needed...

though some of the merchants...

and the auctioneer Ian all had their eyes on a cracking landing of hake from the...

Karen of Ladram including this 8 kg fish...

and his cousin seen here balancing on his nose...

always a scary fish - the giant weaver...

and a giant monk...

and of course one of the fastest fish in the west...

almost level-pegging between the Ivan Ellen and the Paul Alexander in the rescue stakes...

always tempting to play around with a few of the images when there is no wind...

in the harbour, and a chance to create Newlyn's very own versions...

of Mandlebrot images...

on such a stunning morning...

one of those days when being a fisherman, heading for home, has no equal...

along the promenade the Jubilee pool...

basks in the morning sun...

along with a fleet of big blue boats in Penzance wet dock.