
Tuesday 7 June 2016

Traditional Tuesday.

Big tide means beam trawlers and inshore trawlers only...

and a handful of inshore net boats like the New Harmony from Helford...

young Roger has been out chasing his JDs...

and even Tom tried to muscle in on the act...

proper haddock...

the market was knee-deep in fish one end...

with a smattering of summer favourites - big, fat, juicy grey mullet...

all getting the Cefas treatment...

and a handful of bass made it to the auction floor...

three kinds of ray on offer...

and some cracking pollack from a couple of Newquay boats testing the market...

cold enough in the mackerel fridge...

while outside it's a misty morn...

which no doubt makes the visiting Scottish boats feel at home...

as the Bracoden makes her way to the gaps...

looks like ASV Thomas has finished his work off the Scillys...

that's port side almost completed

coming alongside...

the fishing industry is tough, so, like many others, is entirely dependent on immigrant workers...

the boats even fish for litter...

even the barrels came two-by-two...

landing frozen langoustine this morning...

which involves some nifty footwork and a roll of clingfilm...

under the watchful eye of skipper Zander...

swinging a pallet of frozen fish ashore at a time...

bringing in the papers, the morning routine, unchanged at Baron's newsagents for half a century.