
Friday 24 June 2016

Fishing organisations' reaction to the referendum vote.

Leaders of the West's fishing industry say they will be looking for Leave campaigners to keep their promises in the wake of the historic referendum result. Paul Trebilcock, chief executive of the Cornish Fish Producers Organisation (CFPO), said there were challenging times ahead but it was time to look towards the future. "The dice has been thrown and now we have got to see what the future holds," he said.

On the eve of the referendum, fishermen in Newlyn staged a mini blockade in support of Brexit. Mr Trebilcock said many - probably the majority - of fishermen were in favour of leaving the EU and ditching hated fishing quotas and policies. "There are fishermen who think they can just go and fill their boats," he said. "But we are still in the common fishing policy for the moment and it will be some years before anything happens."

Mr Trebilcock said fishermen would be looking to the Government, and in particular to fisheries minister and Cornish MP George Eustice, to deliver on promises made in the run up the vote.

"I think expectations have been raised by the Leave campaign that there will be more quota, more control over our waters and no threat to import and export. "The promises that the likes of George Eustice has made have to be delivered.

"We will be holding Defra and the Government to account." Mr Trebilcock said the fishing industry was resilient and would get on with the job in hand. "There is a lot of uncertainty and there will be plenty of challenges in the future. "We have to roll up our sleeves and get on with it now."

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