
Monday 30 May 2016

Fish tracked across six Breton ports.

The six auctions of Cornwall test new European standards. The objective is to monitor quotas and resource, to fight against the black fish.

Everything fits on a single ticket: the name of the vessel, the fishing zone, the species and its caliber, the fishing technique, the date of capture ... A QR code provides additional information.

Each batch of fish landed will now be accompanied by such a ticket ensuring full traceability. For example, 4,800 tickets were printed for a single day in Guilvinec (120 tons, from 10 to 12 boats).

"We have just taken a big step with this new system imposed by Europe. But it was not easy to implement, " says Christophe Hamel, Director Cornish auctions. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry , Manager of six auctions, was chosen by the state to test the new system. Two months were needed.

EUR 270 000 "The objective of the European Union is to fight against the black fish, monitor quotas and resource ... This traceability is needed for all States. All that is landed, by auction or by private contract, to be informed, route " , says Christophe Hamel.

This scale test conducted in Cornwall has cost EUR 270 000 (90% subsidy). The main difficulty was computing: it was necessary to connect the database of six auctions Cornish and national basis. ICC also had to buy printers for editing tickets and the QR Code.

A value for the auctions Finally, it installed six terminals supported in the auctions. They are intended for fishermen who do not sell their fish by auction. "We did not see this project as a constraint. Rather, it is an opportunity. It also gives added value to our auctions, " said Christophe Hamel.

Managers hope that fishermen will turn more towards the auctions. This new regulation is indeed a certain burden for them. Other French auctions will now follow the Cornish example .

Article courtesy of Le Courrier and translated by Google Translate. For Cornish read Breton of course!