
Monday 11 April 2016

Storm video and pics from Mount's Bay and Newlyn.

Not a ferocious storm by winter standards..,

but a combination of high winds and the second highest tide of the year put the promenade under pressure today...

all those large stones ought to make wave-dodgers think twice about getting hit by a wave on the prom...

or it would be a case of, "didn't see that one coming"...

looking towards Newlyn at high water...

many folks were like drowned rats...

though some played it closer than others...

to get a good picture...

down the quay some of the bigger seas...

overtopped the harbour wall...

and gave the quay a good soaking...

for a few minutes the Bay was treated to thunder and lightning...

as the big seas pounded the beach at Newlyn Green...

this short video gives some idea how heavy seas create surges and movement inside the confines of a harbour when exposed to gale force winds from certain directions.