
Tuesday 19 April 2016

Prawns on the market - summer must be coming!

It's all about quality this morning...

from these stunning ray...

to handsome hake for the Joy...

and the Ajax...

along with big hauls of big whitefish like these ling...

which gives Nathan plenty to tell the visiting buyers...

and show off top fish like these huge turbot...

and show off his Cat's Cradle skills...

at the same time...

and always a chance to catch a few shots...

it takes your back sometimes...

not many of these boys about with the handline boys...

white fish filled both ends of the market...

along with a good selection of monk tails...

more than enough to keep Gary busy logging the data...

ready and waiting for the arrival of the new Crystal Sea currently due to arrive in the port around 11am - watch her on the webcam live...

close up shot of the prawn trawls aboard the Nereus...

visiting lifeboat, St Davids...

the Real Mackay ready and waiting for the boys to land at 8am...

the Belgian beamer still has plenty of work to do on her gear...

brothers in arms...

as the visitors get the lowdown on fishing for sardines from Sam...

the harbour punt is back in operation after her enforced refit...

a  mizzen in the morning...

another refit...

and one still underway...

waiting for orders still...

as the sun comes up...

the prawn trawler Nereus...

and the beamer Marbi...

bound away...

a classic shot of the Irene

there are a dozen boxes of prawns up for auction...

in pristine condition...

graded by the count per kilo - 10-15...




and then the tails.