
Sunday 10 April 2016

Mount's Bay in a gale - Penlee lifeboat makes a dash through heavy breaking seas off Newlyn.

An hour after high water on one of the biggest tides of the year and the slip-road leading to the Abbey Hotel is still awash...

the netters will be grateful for once they are not at sea in some inclement weather...

likewise, a good day for the Scillonian III not to be sailing for the Scillys...

as Penzance wet dock gets a good soaking from another anonymous but damaging storm...

that lashes the promenade in Penzance...

though for a change there are no wave-dodgers today...

though the gulls on Nelwyn Green have taken to the air as another heavy gust lifts them high over the beach...

it's not all spray from the heavy seas as the St Georges gets a good powerwash...

all hands mustered on the afterdeck of 17-34, Penlee's relief lifeboat as it prepares...

to head out through the gaps on Sunday morning exercise...

with a quick blast of the exhausts past Mousehole island...

the strong wind keeps the Penlee lifeboat station flag stiff in the southeasterly breeze...

bringing heavy seas to the back of the quay...

that wash away and meet the incoming seas...

giving them extra lift...

before they rush ahead...

and pound the harbour wall...

again and again...

local film, poet, visual artist and photographer Adam Gibbard lines up for a shot of the...

lifeboat as she heads...

for the gaps...

just before another huge sea crashes against the harbour wall...

spilling into the harbour...

probably a good day to fly a big kite - or stay indoors with the fire lit and a hot mug of tea or something stronger.