
Friday 22 April 2016

#FishyFriday, say no more!

Mizzle 'n mist, a very #FishyFriday to one and all...

with three beam trawlers and the whitefish from one of the visiting Scottish prawn trawlers on the market this morning...

the market was pretty full...

with big quantities of monk tails...

and a few boxes from the prawn boat who land their monk whole...

a morning's work from Cefas, otoliths all set to go to the lab for ageing...

these 6+ kilo hake will be well into their 10th year or more...

bleaching of another sort, a turbot with the topside of the fish as white as the belly in part...

haddock are no doubt a familiar sight to the prawn trawler Replenish...

every now and then the beamers touch on good witch fishing...

to go with their big ray catches...

though it looks like this year's extended cuttlefish season is now pretty much over...

its turbot from the Harvest Reaper which kept the buyers bidding...

big ling...

and at this time of year there are always good shots of lemons to be had if you can find them...

along with those chefs delights, tub gurnards...

two of the bigger players in the port side by side...

some neat paintwork on the St Georges...

the prawn trawler Replenish...

and the port's latest arrival...

all set for a day shooting pots back after the winter break...

and time to take fuel...

sterns don't come much bigger than this in the port...

the port's newest netter is almost there...

while it looks like some TLC is needed for this punt...

on the slip, Twilight at dawn...

Crystal Sea looking resplendent even in this weather...

with the freshy weather of the last 24 hours, the good ship Irene berthed on the stone quay will have rocked and rolled her crew gently all night...

although there is still enough sea running to give the smaller boats an uncomfortable day out in the bay...

there's a connection between this house...

and this artwork...

terraces are particularly pleasant in the sun...

and enjoy some of the more sedentary views in the old harbour...

like the St Ives lugger Barnabus under canvas...

like the Ripple all set for some Spring time preparation for the summer sailing season...

always worth a look, the Helen Feiler Gallery is developing its own patina...

good to see Debbie continuing to promote community spirit and full of admiration for the healthy eating habits of her clientele...

work seems to be progressing at a faster pace in the Mission building with the 'return of the door' being the latest addition.