
Saturday 2 April 2016

Berth wanted!

Inspiring stuff! - Skipper Phil "all hail the hake' Mitchell and the boys on the Govenek of Ladram
At the end of last year we all enjoyed watching the Channel 4 TV series, The Catch - especially the episodes that featured young, and not so young and willing (and not so willing) 'decky learners' - new entrants to the industry.  As a result of the TV series there has been an upsurge in keen would-be-fishermen signing up for the mandatory safety and Introduction to fishing courses throughout the UK.

"On the crest of a wave"

One of these keen gentlemen has contacted Through the Gaps and asked if he can be put in touch with a boat willing to give him a chance?

Hi, my name is Steven and would just like to enquire about any commercial fishing from Newlyn. I am waiting to start a 3 week introduction to fishing course in May and have been advised to contact any ports or fishermen. I cannot seem to find any contactable skippers and I need someone to take me out when I have gained my certificates.  If you know of anyone looking for a new deckhand and willing to give someone a chance could you please contact me. 
Thank-you for your time. Steven Coundley - 07460077966
If you are in a position to do so, give the guy a call! 

If you need crew or a berth use @FindaFishingJob - it's free!: