
Wednesday 2 March 2016

Wild and windy Wednesday in Newlyn.

Three beam trawlers and an inshore trawler for this morning's market...

landing some delightful John Dory...

mellifluous megrims...

while the other end of the market is dominated MSC hake...

lovley ling...

and perfect pollack...

outside on the fish quay the beam trawler Sapphire III...

has just taken fuel...

so her ends get let go...

as she is about to head back to a berth...

further down the quay...

leaving what might well be her last landing of cuttles as the black gold season draws to a close...

display or pay they say...

yet another Belgian visitor, 015 Zilvermeeuw...

one of the more traditional beamers to visit...

astern of her is a stern view of the Crystal Sea II, her fishing career in Newlyn now over as she is being readied to be sold away from the port - her replacement will arrive next month - the port's biggest investment in a trawler since the ill-fated Dumnonia in 1988...

that is one, wet looking sun this morning - expect heavy, cold, blustery, Northerly showers...

big boats need big gear and investment - here a new net transporter rig is being used to take off tiers of nets from the Karen of Ladram for repair...

right under the ice works...

taking in some of his domain...

the @FishMish man on his morning walkabout...

your transport awaits...

how the nets come off the boat...

and how the fish come off the Britannia V...

and the Ajax...

skipper Alan and Mr Net man Fred share a little blarney...

on the Ajax.