
Monday 7 March 2016

Monday's morning blues and hues.

One waning moon hangs over RNAS Culdrose and the Lizard...

while the number of merchant ships anchored off in deep water in Mount's Bay increases daily...

the view looking down over the harbour this morning...

provides a stunning view across the Bay...

as some of the smaller boats...

make their way to sea...

making her first landing for the tide, the Karen of Ladram berthed at the fish market...

while inside the market students from the Robert Smyth Academy listen attentively to Lionel givinmg the the low down on wide variety of fish ready for auction...

like these top quality monk tails - a great fish for curry dishes...

long with the big white fish landed by the Karen...

all get the once over form the Cefas team...

sampling flats from the Cornishman...

did Miss identify the fish Lionel is showing her?...

top of the price list for fish this morning will be these turbot, the fish with the rough skin (dark side) not to be confused with brill with its smooth skin...

plenty of mackerel around at the moment for the handliners...

though some of the grading terms used, like 'good small' are not necessarily the official ones...

the netter end of the market is full of big white fish like these pollack...

and big ray, again from...

the Karen...

auctioneer Olly tallies up his next lot to sell...

while the man behind the camera and Mousehole Fish, the Little Fish shop on the corner in Penzance cannot resist capturing this morning's stunning dawn light...

bathes the harbour in a golden glow...

Harbourmaster Rob Parsons carries out an early inspection alongside market boss Lionel...

ice being delivered nonchalantly 'over the shoulder' style...

while the Belgian beam trawler takes fuel ready for another trip up channel...

with a week in Cornwall that started yesterday with the Eden Project, Robert Smyth Academy Geography and Business Studies, unmissable in their tops created especially for the tour...

the fish market visit over, now assemble wide eyed from their 5am start - are now ready for the next leg of their tour which will see them take in venues on the Lizard and Falmouth later today.