
Monday 14 March 2016

Monday morning in Newlyn.

A good mix of names on the landing board...

so it's brisk bidding on the market this morning...

especially with so much quality inshore fish for the buyers to bid on, like these Dovers from the trawler Shiralee...

whiting are one of the possible 'choke' species in this area under the new Landing Obligation regime...

no doubt this visiting group will be given all the background information on such matters as they make their way around a busy market...

lemons are in season at the moment with plenty of meat, best cooked 'on the bone' - baked or grilled dark side up with a good knob of butter on the skin...

the Harvest Reaper was another boat fishing well on the whiting...

whereas Nigel on the Innisfallen managed to give them a miss...

squid don't get much bigger than this in these parts as they have an average lifespan of around 18 months...

just in time for Sunday tea...

it's all in the spots...

very box from an inshore boat...

even these good sized ling...

and evidence that the weekend was something of a hit for the mackerel boats...

just a couple of the boats...

making her way in early, the beam trawler, Admiral Gordon...

past a visiting wind farm boat on passage...

fuel time for the Filly...

she must have been through some weather as all her St Piran's flags seem to have been washed off!...

tied up and laid up...

a little fresh sou easterly this morning.